Smoothie Fruity Fennel Minty Fresh Blended Drink.

Summertime is a great time for being creative, now you have a mass of fresh garden herbs and lovely summer fruits. To add to your nut milk.


When you add the following ingredients together you get some wonderful alchemy going on in a smoothie base.


i) One litre of home made Almond Mylk


iii) 1 whole fresh green coconut flesh or 1 Tbsp coconut oil or other oil.

Leave for a few hours to infuse.

Then add

1 Avocado

A punnet of strawberries

A punnet of blue berries

1 tablespoon of peruvian algarobba ( Mesquite meal )

2 tea spoon cinnamon

2 tea spoon of vanilla powder

a handfull of fennel stalks and leaf of fennel

4 sprigs of fresh mint

So repHreshing and hydrating, have fun this is your day. x

Vanilla seems such a perfect combination to any ambrosia cream blend.

There is nothing as good as picking your home grown green herbs and enjoying that diversity of flavours that have something in taste and nutrients you just cannot buy in a food store. Optimum nutrition is best kept simple, grow your own and feel good now, feel better.

Ambrosia Cream Dream, Smoothie is a perfect food if you are on the move and getting active. No sugar crashes, just long burning fuel for that sustaining goodness that a banana and coffee just cannot do. Move over the light fantastic is here x Smoothie Live Food Power this is your hour.

In joy the Raw Alchemists.

If you like this please pass it on and share with your loved ones.

This smoothie is a powerhouse and a great way to start your day.

The almond is very good for brain train activities. If you have a mental day at hand lots to achieve this smoothie is it.

The fresh fruits contain anti oxidants and unique pigments that deliver micro nutrients.

The fennel and fresh mint add the fresh green vibes and their special qualities, The SuperGreens+D are a excellent addition for anyone with a hectic schedule, great for children & adults.

Cinnamon has chromium so great for blood sugars and strengthening your pancreas, the fat of the coconut helps to slow release the sugars, the smoothie base creates the pre digest so all is needed is you the reflection of beauty that you have bestowed upon your self.

Any body can engage in this drink.

Children love this drink. No sugar at all but naturally sweet.

Be creative, this is simple, play around with different summer fruits. Try using lovely herb tea you like instead of water as the base for the milk. Add a bit of spice, a bit of ginger, add you and your cool individuality. You know what works for you. We are just here to share and inspire and be inspired by the work we do at home for our family. Thank you. Big love and smiles. Smoothie time is here.